Dr. Samuel (Muli) Peleg
Researcher, Teacher, Scholar, Activist
Welcome to my personal website. Here you will be able to get to know me better through my social activism, my professional career as a professor in the academia, my hobbies (mainly writing poetry, watching and analyzing socially and politically-interesting films, listening to mainly 1970’s rock, and following my favorite soccer and basketball teams), my ideals, hopes, concerns and ambitions, and of course, my beloved family.


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Dr. Samuel (Muli) Peleg
A Short Bio
Dr. Samuel (Muli) Peleg is a political sociologist trained in the fields of comparative politics and international relations. His areas of expertise are peace-building & reconciliation, social sustainability, justice & human rights, and conflict resolution.
His research focuses on intercultural and interfaith dialogue in deeply divided communities. As the director of development for the MA program on UN and global policy studies, Dr. Peleg initiated extensive working relations with the UN as well as with leading universities in Japan, Germany, France and Israel/Palestine, where he regularly sends his students for internships and research.
Dr. Peleg teaches at Fordham University's Peace and Justice Program and at Rutgers University Business School. Between 2009-2013 he was a visiting faculty member at the negotiation and conflict resolution program (NECR) at Columbia University. He is the author of several books and articles, among them Spreading the Wrath of God: From Gush Emunim to Rabin Square; Zealotry and Vengeance- quest of Religious Identity Group; If Words Could Kill: the Failure of Public Discourse in Israel; and Fighting Terrorism in the Liberal State. His new book- Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue for Peace will be published in early 2019.
Dr. Peleg has an extensive practical experience as a peace-maker in addition to his academic career. He participated in the multi-lateral peace talks in the Middle East. Dr. Peleg served as a top adviser on leadership and negotiations to the Peres Center for Peace. In that capacity he had taken part in several rounds of peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians as well as Israelis and Jordanians. He has also counseled the Prime Minister’s office, the Foreign Office and the National Security Council.
In the US, Dr. Peleg has worked with the Martin Luther King Foundation and their social initiative branch--Realizing the Dream on social justice projects. He is involved with intercultural and interfaith dialogue initiatives in the Middle East and Africa with the Counter Extremism Project. Recently, he has been invited to serve on the academic board of the Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation organization of Roots.
Areas of Interest and Expertise
What I am curious about, what drives me and propels my studies, writings and research
The Big Topics
I was academically trained in the fields of international relations and comparative politics. Within these fields, I am particularly captivated by the question of what makes people cohere and what tears them apart. In other words, what draws people together (couples, groups, communities, nations, civilizations) and what keeps them or prevents them from staying together. In sum, I am interested in the integration and disintegration of human aggregates. I am an inter-disciplinary scholar. In my teaching, research and writing, I endeavor to explore these topics from various directions: sociological, psychological, philosophical, communicational, cultural, legal and political.

The Specific Topics
Being interested in the dynamics which create, sustain and enable human prosper and wellbeing, my specific areas of investigation focus on the processes and conditions that promote these goals.They include conflict management, dialogue, the pursuit of justice and equality, reconciliation of differences in a peaceful manner, appreciation of variance, pluralism and otherness with an emphasis on issues of identity, inclusion and empowerment. Other topics I explore are nonviolence and tolerance as means toward social sustainability and happiness.

Applicable Knowledge
I never saw myself as stranded in the Ivory Tower of the academia. I firmly believe that any systemic comprehension, theoretical insight, methodical model or formula should be applied to real life and actual situation for the betterment of society. Writing articles and publishing books is important but rather futile without societal grounding or relevance.

Believes, Values and Priorities
What I Believe In
I believe in the sanctity of humanity: any race, gender, creed, religion, ideology, nationality, ethnicity or culture. Hence, I wholeheartedly believe in equality between people and that everyone should be treated with unconditional dignity due to their humanity. Regardless of status, means, achievements or age, people must be acknowledged and respected because they are human-beings.
What I Value
I value relationships and constructive communication between people. I esteem collaboration based on curiosity, open-mindedness and creativity, and I cherish the power of community and the resilience of the human race to seek happiness and wellbeing.
I value optimism and humor, even, or especially when the going gets rough. I admire friendship, reconciliation and the ability of humans to admit and recognize weakness.
What my Priorities Are
In order to uphold my believes and values, my priorities focus on the pursuit of justice and fairness to cope with inequality and scarcity of dignity. The quest for justice encompasses various endeavors. My priorities pertain to my training and aptitude: I seek justice through conflict management, dialogue and reaching out for the Other. Forgiveness is an asset I am trying hard to adopt and apply. The accomplishment of dignity, equality and justice yields, secures and maintains peace and therefore, human sustainability
Social Activism
Purposes Worth Standing Up For

The Women's March
One year into the presidency of Donald Trump, thousands of women and men marched in various cities in the US and around the world protesting the new President acts and comments about women. We were there too, marching with a throng of people in Manhattan.
Olive Harvest
Joining Arab villagers in the height of the olive harvest period was a highly rewarding feat in light of threats and hostilities from settlers and other political extremists. I felt very fortunate to be able to help and bring some solace to a very dire situation.

Intercultural Dialogue
I have taken part in several rounds of peace and reconciliation talks, story-telling and getting-to-know-the-other workshops in deeply divided communities around the world including Israel and Palestine, Tanzania and Zanzibar, the Basque Country and here in Cyprus, between Greek and Turkish Cypriots in torn Nicosia. The Peres Center for Peace was the convener.
Photo Gallery
An Inside Look

Video Gallery
Video Gallery

Dr. Muli Peleg discusses his Columbia University Project on Jewish-Arab Dialogue

Muli Peleg Poetry

Professor Muli Peleg reflects on the Israeli election.

In the Media
events, articles and interviews

Media Appearances
Media Appearances

עם אבירמה גולן על גולדה

מבט עם גאולה אבן

ערוץ הכנסת, עם גל גבאי

מהיום למחר, עם דויד ויצטום

The Negotiations Process

Building Strategies

The Art of Negotiation- Early Planning.

Theories of Global Politics

Zealotry and Vengeance: Quest of a Religious Identity Group

Fighting Terrorism in the Liberal State
Spreading the Wrath of God

If Words Could Kill: The Failure of The Israeli Political Discourse

The Flat Generation

Cold Sign of Life (Poetry)

Occurrence (Poetry)
Poetry is my passion and my spark. They say people dream, curse and write poetry in their mother tongue. I don't know about the first two, but I damn sure about the third one: my poetry is written exclusively in Hebrew, the modern, not the biblical (although some biblical images are strewn in there). A few of my poems were translated to English (https://www.thewritersdrawer.net/muli-peleg---2-poems.html).
Keep in Touch!!
I would love to interact and create meaning with you. Let's put our social worlds together and generate something new